Do you think painting your room orange is a good idea?
How much does a naval piercing cost?
I have an orange and black pet fish, what kind of fish is it?
What are orange and black insects?
What birds have an orange beak?
What is needed for a home naval piercing?
What kind of cat has black and orange fur?
Question by drA34 (31)
Is it eaten in the Navy a lot?
Answer by GilFinn (2065)
Actually, it's not Naval orange, it's really a Navel orange. It's called that because if you look at the bottom of the orange, it looks like a navel (i.e. bellybutton).
Answer by AJ (112)
It is actually called a Navel (not Naval) orange. This is because the blossom end of the fruit resembles a human navel (belly button).
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