


Question by  teacher44 (80)

Why is gum so sticky?


Answer by  Hom (238)

Bubble gum is sticky because it is made up of a gum base that is essentially and nearly rubber. It also has a high content of sugar, and when exposed to the air, it will cause to stick. In short, the gum base component in it makes the gum itself sticky.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Gum is sticky because it is mostly made from a substance called chical. Chical is derived from a tree and is very similar to a sap. They extract it similar to how they extract maple syrup, which is also pretty sticky.


Answer by  TopHat33 (17)

Gum is sticky because there is a lot of sugar in it and it has a base that is usually made from rubber. It also has sap in it from trees, like the chicle tree.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Gum is very sticky because of its' gum base. A gum base is sometimes made from beeswax. There are also other man made gum bases and natural gum bases.


Answer by  thewindrose (642)

Gum is made out of something called "gum base. " What it is made out of varies, but it mimics the feel of old tree resins that were the original gum.

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