

Question by  southerngirl (15)

Why is Buddha fat?

Is there a good reason?


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

In countries like China and India that have had a lot of historical starvation and very lean times for a majority of the population, fatness can signal prosperity, good health, and good luck. Buddha is often shown as fat because he can bring good luck to his followers, as well as money and happiness.


Answer by  marty (49)

Statues of "fat Buddha" represent a Chinese monk, not Siddhartha Gautama, the Shakyamuni Buddha. Buddha means "awakened one. " The "fat Buddha" is Budai (or Hotei, in Japanese. ) He is named for the Calico (cloth) bag he carries. He was originally a folklore character, but has been incorporated into Buddhism and Taoism.


Answer by  Anonymous

because he was meant to be a prince and princes eat whatever they want


Answer by  Anonymous

bhudda had too much dog food

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