I woke up three weeks ago and my arm felt like it was sleep. My left bicep feels tender/sore and my fingers are tingly. Why?
If I have a tender submental, or neck, what could be the cause?
Is it possible to be pregnant and still feel premenstrual symptoms?
What can cause scalp tenderness?
What could be the cause of a tender testes?
What does it mean for a pregnancy if you experience loss if breast tenderness?
What would cause knee pain at night?
injuries pain
Question by ThornGenX (23)
I haven't injured it, haven't fallen or tripped.
Answer by uncleal (81)
Probability is that you have over used it and you may have tendonitis (inflamation of one or more tendons). Try an NSAID (naproxen sodium or ibuprofen)
Answer by HerpDerp95 (55)
It can get inflamed very easily. You may also have CHONDROMALACIA PATELLAE which is the softening of the ligiment underneath your kneecap.
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