

Question by  Sathish2296463 (18)

Why does my dog get rashes on his genital area?


Answer by  pupone (26)

Many dogs have allergies just like humans. He may have eaten something that would give him rashes or he could be raw from licking himself. Try a hydrocortisone cream on the area to clear up the rash and then pay close attention to him to see if he licks alot and monitor his diet


Answer by  shastie (1601)

The most common reason for a rash is allergic reaction to fleas. This can be made worse by the dog digging, scratching and biting the area. It can also be caused by yeast infections in that case take her to the vet.


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

Check to make sure he doesn't have fleas as they can cause a rash and itching. Could also be from allergies or moisture.


Answer by  wpierre (70)

Your dog might be suffering from a yeast infection or an allergy. Try rubbing some neosporin on it. You might want to give him a dose of benadryl every 8-12 hours.


Answer by  spragoo (1500)

He could have hooked up with the wrong "lady". Seriously, dogs don't have pants on so they can be catching all sorts of nasty stuff off from the ground. Put a glove on and put some anti-bacterial lotion and it should clear it up. If not take him to vet.

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