

Question by  Bob3782 (161)

Why does my 2 month old always have sweaty palms?


Answer by  mhope1987 (60)

This depends on what the child has been doing. If he has been playing or been active it could come from that. If he is under a blanket, he could be too hot. It could also be a sign that he is sick, so if it persists more than a day seek a doctor.


Answer by  emhaskey (685)

There are so many possibilities; the best answer is to notify your pediatrician. An infant with constantly sweaty palms could have a serious medical condition.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

It isn't anything I would be worried about. It could be a number of things, such as your baby might be overdressed for the temperature, the temperature inside the house or outside, might be very hot. Some babies (and adults) are also more prone to sweating, and your baby might be one.


Answer by  Nevaeh100106 (16)

Some baby sweat a lot it's just a natural thing that they do. If you are concerned about excessive sweating you should reconsider the material of his/her clothing or you may just be keeping them too warm. Most likely your baby is just going to sweat and it will probably change around the age of 9-16 months.


Answer by  Ed57 (95)

Certainly consult a doctor. Beyond this, it is likely "hypoporesis", a non-lethal condition of profuse sweat from the hands and feet. This is one response to human preparation for "fight or flight". Perhaps such sweating provides greater traction to permit flight. Perhaps it is a bodily reaction to the burst of hormones we release in times of stress.

posted by Anonymous
If the infant seems stress free could they still be producing the hormones? My 3. 5 month old is happy all the time and has sweaty plams and feet. He is also very active, moving his arms and legs, could this be causing it as well?  add a comment

Answer by  diva25 (4016)

Some people are naturally sweatier than others. If you are worried you can always talk to the Ped and see what they say. If that is the only problem I would not worry too much about it. You can try letting your baby run around in nothing but a diaper at home to see if that might help, too.


Answer by  pedro55 (76)

Before anything check with your doctor. If the doctor cannot give you the answer it could be anything related to his previous life and consider reading Dr. Brian Weiss immediately!


Answer by  chuchi (26)

When you observe your baby they will never open their palms.Always they will be folding it.Since it will be closed all the time it will be sweaty.

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