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health conditions


Question by  worker5829 (219)

Why do you get cramps in your butt muscle?


Answer by  Natalie14 (230)

Muscle cramps in the posterior are usually caused by inactivity, but in more serious cases can be from a slipped disc. For the less serious muscle cramps, stretching and exercises for the cramped muscle can alleviate the pain.


Answer by  thom0045 (350)

A person can get cramps in their butt muscle if they have been sitting in the same position for too long. Like any other muscle in the body, the butt should be exercised often.


Answer by  JeffD (238)

Butt cramps generally mean that the muscles in the area are either being used too much, or not enough. A build-up of acid in the muscle tissue causes the cramping as as result.

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