health conditions


Question by  sikanthar (100)

Why do I have sores all over my face?


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

They could be cold sores or rosacea accompanied by acne, both can be treated with antibiotics. Another cause could be hair follicle infections or eczema. The use of meth can also contribute to face sores as can herpes, warts, shingles and chickenpox. They could also be caused by more serious conditions such as diabetes, Lyme disease or AIDS.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

The sores could be harmless from freckles to moles. They could be as a result of bug bites, psoriasis, or cystic acne.


Answer by  MattK (1713)

An infection which is either generalized or localized to your face is one possible answer. You may sleep with bed bugs or mites, which too may be a cause.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

You don't give a description, but I think the usual suspect of this would be the herpes simplex virus. Two types of herpes are manifested through cold sores on the lip or mouth and have been known to develop on the facial skin as well. Regardless, I would see a doctor immediately.


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

This is something you might want to contact your doctor about. This is something that can't be determined with out a doctor seeing you call your doctor and see what they suggest you to do.


Answer by  Lakshmi65 (715)

Because of cool climate only the sores occur all the over the face. we can apply cold cream to prevent from that. which will not cause any side effects.

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