
 dogs  why


Question by  Stanislav (22)

Why do dogs eat their own feces?


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

They are usually lacking something in their diet. To have a dog stop doing this behavior the best thing to do is sprinkle some meat tenderizer on their food.

Reply by bingo (66):
or the feces  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

Because they are lacking in vital minerals, namely one of the big ones is bananas--I learned this from a dog trainer-Cesar Millan-and I have often since hearing about it fed my dogs bananas when one of them trys to eat poop-and yes- it works! Try it!


Answer by  janiemcman (10)

Newborns are licked by their mother for them to respond by urinating and defecating. Once done, mom will eat the remains to keep the den clean. Sometimes this practice continues due to seeking out missing nutrients or out of boredom or anxiety. Either way it's difficult to break.


Answer by  Kcovey83 (25)

Some dogs like the taste of feces. They also might try to copy you if he/she sees you pick up after him/her.


Answer by  princessbeiter (0)

(My previous comment was in response to: "+0 vote up Answer by Anonymous It is a learned habit, they get it from their master "


Answer by  princessbeiter (0)

I think "Anonymous" has too much time on his/her hands. lol From what I understand, they do it for various reasons, but there are food additives that can be put on their food to stop the habit.


Answer by  baba24 (270)

It's often thoutht that they do this because of nutrional needs but actually no one has ever really known the true reason.


Answer by  Anonymous

It is a learned habit, they get it from their master

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