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Question by  cat (36)

Why do dogs eat dirt and grass?


Answer by  jennifern2213 (68)

Dogs eat dirt to find nutrients they aren't getting from dog food; they eat grass to help them throw up something bad they ate.


Answer by  Baobao (1273)

In most cases, this means that the dog is short of microelement since it has eaten much meat, and there are some parasites in its stomach.It should be fed more vegetables to strengthen the stomach fuction. Fruit chips and carrot juice are also good food for it.People should pay more attention to this.


Answer by  winkler294899 (5)

Dirt and grass can help settle a dog's stomach. They eat the dirt and grass when they tart to feel sick, and the dirt and grass acts as a type of blocker. The dog, then, feels better, and is able to go about its daily life without feeling like it needs to throwup.


Answer by  MartinFarmakov (285)

When dogs have a hard meal for their stomach they get a hard stomachache and with eating grass and dirt they stimuli the pain. They rest after that.

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