who is

 who is


Question by  P32nicky (73)

Who was Romulo Gallegos?


Answer by  BrandonAllin (968)

Romulo Gallegos was a very famous and very important Venezuelan novelist and politician. A very talented and outspoken individual, there was a period of time in 1948 where he was the first properly elected president in the history of Venezuela. Romulo died at the age of 84 on April 7th, 1969.


Answer by  Jess54 (95)

He was a Venezuelan novelist and politician. As a writer, "Doña Bárbara" is his most famous novel. As a politician, he was the first elected president of Venezuela in the twentieth century (1948) and the one who has had the most amount of votes in all of the country's history (80% votes). However, he was only president for 9 months.

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