who is


Question by  tina78 (45)

Who invented the microscope?


Answer by  phantsy (105)

Simple microscopes and have been known to be have been in existance as far back as 7000 B.C. in Egypt. The first known compound microscope was invented in 1590 by a Dutch eyeglass maker by the name of Zacharias Janssen who noticed that close objects seen through two glasses lined up appeared larger.


Answer by  LadyofMasonManor (91)

Hans Jenssen, Sacharias Jansen, and Hans Lippershey were each given credit for inventing the first mircroscope in 1590's. Hans Lippershey was not working with Sacharias and Hans Kenssen, but they did manage to invent the same thing at almost the same time: the microscope!


Answer by  kaydenann (41)

Hans Lippershey, Sacharias Jansen, and Hans Jenssen were all eyeglass makers that have been given credit for the invention of the microscope. Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek and Galileo Galilei have also been given credit for the invention, but really they were only the authors of its improvements, not the actual inventors.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The first microscope was constructed in 1590 in Middelburg, The Netherlands by Hans Janssen and Hans Lippershey, two eyeglass makers. Lippershey previously had developed an early version of the telescope. Giovanni Faber developed the compound microscope in 1625 and called it Galilei's Microscope in honor of Galileo, who had called it "little eye. "

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