

Question by  jessica93 (9)

Which kazoo do most professional players use?


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

There is a the Muizana music player which mixes varies types of music to different mixes for free so it is great for new artists.


Answer by  beck (1099)

Kazoobie Kazoos makes some incredible hardwood kazoos that would look fantastic in a performance. They produce high quality kazoos, check out the specialty metal ones with interesting shapes.


Answer by  dotfret (282)

It depends which side of the pond you live as to what you buy - but most players prefer "submarine" models, although there used to be models with horns used by marching bands - these are "Tommy Talkers". The US pros usually go for the model made by Woodstock Percussion, in UK the Clarke is the commonest used.


Answer by  Anonymous

I heart kazoos!

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