

Question by  blackjack (54)

Which are the best schools if you want to major in Sociology?


Answer by  anjeldream (86)

University of California at Berkeley has a nationally reknowned Sociology department. Other schools include: Harvard, Georgetown University, Cornell, Boston University, The University of Rochester and George Washington University. A terrific state school is Buffalo State College. If money is an issue, Buffalo State is the best value and best education.


Answer by  patti (29325)

All liberal arts schools offer sociology as a major. They are not ranked, per se. A graduate degree is necessary if you want to work in the field.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

The top three by recent survey are University of California at Berkeley, Harvard, and the New York University. These were determined by student survey, post-grad success, and course content.


Answer by  Prashant (13)

Sociology studies and human groups their comparisons,organization,culture and development. it combines sciencetific and humanstic methods to investigate a subject that is both revelant and ragging from social changes tkng place in.

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