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Question by  GaryVentimiglia (21)

What were the major events of 1993?

I am assigned that year for a school project.


Answer by  rightlight (1053)

Some major events include the splitting of Czechoslovakia, Bill Clinton is inaugurated as president, The World Trade Center Bombing, The Great Blizzard of 1993 stretches from Cuba to Quebec and kills 184 people, the Y2K phenomenon was born, and the Buffalo Bills lost their 3rd of 4 superbowls in a-row.


Answer by  jclick (1561)

In 1993 Bill Clinton became president, NAFTA was signed, a bomb inside a truck exploded in the parking garage of the World Trade Center, Vaclav Havel was elected president of the Czech Republic, the Branch Davidian standoff took place in Waco, TX, the battle of Mogadishu (which inspired the movie Blackhawk Down) took place.


Answer by  Anonymous

The Sexiest man on earth was boen, me...!!!

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