Can you give me a recipe for artichoke-spinach dip?
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Can you give me a review of the Canon Rebel t2 camera?
Can you give me some suggestions for inexpensive lighting for an outdoor party?
How do you sue for money received?
What advice can you give me if my home was foreclosed on?
What are some easy Christmas craft ideas?
idioms where does it come from
Question by Cyndael (338)
Answer by kph0329 (637)
It is actually "Tis better to give than to receive" and its origin is the King James Bible. Acts 20:35---"It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Answer by kathryn26 (96)
"Tis easier to give than to receive" came from you. The original thought was "Tis better to give than to receive.", and is a famous quotation from the Holy Bible.
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