


Question by  VitthalLGauns (7)

Where can I go in NYC to get help with collecting child support?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Call 1-888-208-4485 (Division of Child Support Services, Customer Service) to find the address of the location nearest you. You must visit the office to file your case.


Answer by  hashbrown64 (221)

The City of New York has an Office of Child Support Enforcement that you can go to, and they can help you collect what you're owed.


Answer by  Mach72 (15)

Depending on the individuals monetary situation, I would recommend finding a lawyer specializing in divorce and family disputes. A civil suit is the best way to collect child support.


Answer by  Bob98 (100)

The fastest method to get help anywhere is to let your "fingers do the walking in the yellow pages". The court would probably provide the next best help. A modern method is to enlist the services of a collection agency.

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