


Question by  heartkiller (7)

Where are the large fontanelles in puppies located?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

This is located on top of puppy's skull. Close to the idea of a human baby's "soft spot" on the top of the head, the skull hasn't yet closed.


Answer by  Bobby59 (35)

The large fontanelle is a soft area of bone tissue that has not yet completely formed. It is located at the top of the skull during the early development stages of the puppy.


Answer by  mmn (369)

They are located on the top of the head, similar to human babies. It is very important not to touch this area so as not to damage the brain!


Answer by  LRoc06 (15)

Fontanelles, just as with humans, are found on the cranium. In humans they usually close when we reach adulthood. It is rare to spot a large on on a puppy but it does happen. But in any case it would be a large soft spot on the top of the puppy's head.

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