Parakeets have no specific mating season; it all depends on their environment. If kept indoors in a warm environment, they can mate year-round. They will, however, not produce eggs unless a nest is provided.
The season is not a season - it is year round. Just like most birds, they do not have a specific season. So you should always be careful if you have males and females together in one cage.
The mating season occurs in the winter. These birds fly south for the winter and that is where they will mate. Cooling temperatures are best for the egg because they allow it to hatch.
Parakeets breed anywhere between Spring until Fall. Basically it's throughout the year, comfort of their atmosphere and capatiblity of both birds play into it, as well. As long as the conditions are right, they'll breed.
Parakeets can breed year round if conditions are right in their environment. Normal breeding season begins early in the year and continues until fall. It is very rare to see parakeets mating, but a male and a female must mate to keep the eggs fertile.
Almost all birds' dont have specific mating season. As that Parakeets can also breed year round if conditions are right in their environment. They mate when only the external temperature suties. Normal breeding season begins early in the year and continues until fall.