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At what age can a baby rabbit get pregnant?
Can dogs care for wild baby rabbits?
Can you handle baby rabbits?
How do you take care of a baby rabbit?
What do you feed four week old baby rabbits?
What is the best advice you can give me for caring for baby rabbits?
What kind of rabbit is brown with white spots?
Question by AdamT (60) Loading Data Please wait...
Answer by misty (36) Loading Data Please wait...
Baby rabbits start eating on their own when they are about 10 days old, you should start giving them hay, but no veggies.
Answer by Kris (797) Loading Data Please wait...
Bunnies wean between four and six weeks of age. Expect your baby rabbit to start drinking water and eating food on its own during that time.
Answer by TwiztedKayne (51) Loading Data Please wait...
Domesticated rabbits are weaned and ready to eat within a month and a half Cottontails,are foraging for food in one month and sooner. Jack-rabbits over two month period
Answer by Anonymous
after three weeks
Answer by Caryn85 (418) Loading Data Please wait...
Only male rabbits will start to eat their children. Once a female rabbit is pregnant it is best to separate the male and female.
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