

Question by  pammy (42)

What would cause a runner to experience pain in the tendon behind the ankle?


Answer by  Kate75 (35)

If a dog bit the runner in the ankle then that runner would experience a deep sense of pain. A crab could also be the cause. Imagine you are running along a beautiful beach and a crab jumps up and pinches you right in the tendon that would cause a lot of pain I would imagine.


Answer by  Mike11 (59)

The pain is probably just a cramp. If you do not drink enough liguids you will have a cramp. Every one gets cramps every once in a while it is totally normal. One way to keep from getting a cramp is to eat potassium. Bananas have a lot of potassium.


Answer by  melz10 (61)

Over use and constant repetition are the main reasons for tendon pain. Running on pavement is the worst for you tendons. There is a lot of pressure and force the tendon takes. If running long distances, doing specific tendon stretches before and after running helps. Icing after running helps the pain too.


Answer by  Jpester (42)

Runners will experience pain in the tendon behind the ankle, also known as the Achilles' tendon, do to overuse. This creates micro-tears in the connective tissue resulting in inflammation. You can treat this condition by resting the muscle and applying ice 15 minutes on the ankle, and then 15 minutes of no ice on the ankle.

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