dental care


Question by  Freddie29 (47)

What would cause a painful bump on the gum at the base of a wisdom tooth?


Answer by  mturk59 (53)

More than likely, the pain is caused by bacterial infection of the gums. This painful bump could possibly be an abscess. An abscess is a major infection, and requires seeing a dentist as soon as possible to have it drained and cleaned. The worst case scenario is oral cancer. See your dentist right away to have the bump checked.


Answer by  Mgarcia (752)

There could be two things causing this issue. 1. Your tooth could be rubbing against an existing tooth as it grows in. 2. A piece of food could have become lodged inside the gum.


Answer by  Tim76 (31)

Most irritation from a wisdom tooth is from the gum being inflamed. A bump is most likely from some imflamation that is settling at the bottom of the infected tooth.

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