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Question by  Lenore (237)

What tips can you give me for meting people online?

I chat online a good bit and want to stay safe.


Answer by  Touchdown (317)

If you are interested in meeting people in real life that you have met online you want to make sure you follow the same type of precautions that you normally do in real life. Such as meeting people in public places.


Answer by  Kat123 (591)

First off, you should give a fake name, fake age, and fake place where you live. It makes it harder for people to steal your identity.


Answer by  Lidia (29)

First of all, be honest in your profile. Post a nice picture of your face; not blurry or too far away.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

The biggest thing I can tell you about this is that you should never meet someone online alone. Always bring a friend. You should also be careful about where you meet people from. Most times people are safe, but we only hear about the ones that are not. I know many people that have met online and stayed friend.

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