


Question by  worker6372 (8)

What should the living conditions be for an aquarium of shrimp?


Answer by  liturk (45)

Aquarium shrimp need no predators and a low nitrate level(under 10ppm). They thrive in leafy environments with temperatures between 75 - 86. They also like a pH level of 6-8 (freshwater shrimp).


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

The shrimp do better in groups with their friends. Regularly test ammonia level because they are very sensitive to it. Keep water temp 65-80 degrees and make sure there is plenty of hiding spaces. They will eat most anything. One shrimp per gallon of water is recommended.


Answer by  Francesco (169)

You should keep the tank warm (70 - 80) degrees water temperature and make sure it is aged enough to have algae growth on it so they have something to feed on. You will also want to make sure that you do not have any fish in the tank that would want to eat the shrimp.


Answer by  krishna54 (212)

an aquarium for shrimps can be with other types of fishes aother than aggressive types. the tank should be having good sand bed and water plants

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