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Question by  foxman (12)

What should I say in my 80th birthday speech?

My wife is giving me an 80th birthday party.


Answer by  Joseph38 (6)

You should speak about the good times you had spent with your wife and family. About all the great things you´ve done in your life, and the things you´ve lived with your family. Talk about how you have enjoyed every single day, even the bad ones.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Ask people who are coming to write down one question they would like you to answer. Put your speech together in answer to their questions. The best one I ever heard was a great-grandson about 5 years old asked, "Who am I?" Great-grand-dad answered, "The promise of a good man."


Answer by  skwiglez (641)

I am sure you have lived such an amazing life. I would talk about some of the amazing people you've met along the way and what they taught you about how to live your life to such a wonderful age.

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