

Question by  Noelle (17)

What should I know about sibling relationships between toddlers and infants?


Answer by  Michelle27 (103)

Toddlers will either love or hate a new baby. Either way, you're bound to end up with a toddler who loves his/her sibling and turns into a great helper. Just prepare for some jealousy and try to have time along with the oldest child to help with that.


Answer by  rcottis (66)

Young sibling can often be competetive and fight for parents affection. It is usually okay though as they can quite happily play together.


Answer by  Meg (224)

While toddlers are often excited about becoming a big brother or a big sister, once the baby arrives it is often a different story. Toddlers often become jealous of the attention that infants receive and often take it out on their infant sibling. They may talk rudely to their new sibling or refuse to share anything with them.


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

Todlers may react to an infant sibling out of jealousy for time or treatment that seems to favor the infant disporpotionaltely (in the toddler's mind). This can sometimes cause acting out which can get quite extreme. On the other hand, some toddlers love their infant sibling and may exhibit no signs of jealousy.

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