health conditions


Question by  Tz (12)

What should I know about diverticulitis?


Answer by  sapphire51 (1048)

The condition can be improved by a low-fiber diet, a liquid diet, antibiotics, bed rest or hospitalization, or a combination of these. The majority of patients with diverticulosis do not require surgery, but a few with recurrent attacks of bleeding or severe inflammation may require removal or part of intestine.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

diverticulitis is a fairly common problem. Sometimes it can cause pain in the abdomen but unless accompanied by bleeding is not much t o worry about.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

Diverticulitis are inflammed pockets or pouches in the digestive system. While most common in the large intestine, then can form in the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. Common symptoms are changes in bowel habits, pain, and nauseau. Mild cases are treated with rest and antibotics. Severe cases require surgery.


Answer by  maber (1427)

There are some dietary restrictions for this condition such as no eating garlic, tomatoes, very spicy foods, and foods that are seeds or have seeds in them. The condition is actually where there are little holes in your stomach and that is what causes the pains in your abdomen. A change in diet should help.

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