

Question by  4lizzieb (120)

Should I go on a date with a guy who asks via text message?

I just feel like that's kinda weak. Am I being too harsh?


Answer by  lindsay (111)

I don't have a lot of sympathy for the "rejection is scary" excuse. Frankly, if he can't pick up the phone to make a date, I wonder what other things he won't be able to say to your face.


Answer by  CarolMowthorpe (49)

I agree with you that the guy should ask you either in person or via a phone call rather than a text message, but I still think that you should date him. He might be a great guy but just very shy, and feel more comfortable communicating by text messaging.


Answer by  spidersong (27)

Asking a girl out is a scary thing. He asked you out via text message because he was afraid of rejection. You should be flattered that he likes you so much! But, if you just aren't that into him, it's ok to say no.


Answer by  patsy (37)

I think it depends on how well you know this person. If it's a long time friend or acquaintance then I don't see the harm. However, if this is someone you just met I think he should at least call you.

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