

Question by  dina (20)

What should I do if I think I have been a victim of job discrimination?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Contact the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). They will interview you, have you fill out forms, and provide you with a counselor who will help you through the process.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

You should contact the wage and hour division of the department of labor and report the claim of discrimination to them. They will take it from there


Answer by  Kayla (144)

You should go to your manager and talk to him about it and if that doesn't help then contact corporate and further go to the law.


Answer by  PiperHaley (110)

Call the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision. Hire an attorney. Tell everyone and anyone you can, including TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and also broadcast it on all social networks, expecially Twitter.


Answer by  Cyn (408)

You can file a claim with the U. S. Equal Employment Opportuntiy Commission (EEOC) You can file a claim at the nearest EEOC office, or by mail.

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