

Question by  Stylee (48)

What should I do if I find a pimple on my dog's genitals?

He's a bulldog.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The pimple is probably the result of an infected hair follicle. Let it resolve on its own but do keep an eye on it. If it worsens, see your vet.


Answer by  Blacksheep44 (19)

Leave it alone. While noticing a pimple on a dogs genitals is odd enough, attempting to do anything about it will only cause discomfort for the dog. If you were to do something about it i would suggest an acne cream or face rub.


Answer by  worker8377 (27)

Impetigo or mild rash, can be recognized by finding puss filled blisters on the abdomen and groin area. The area needs to be washed with a surgical soap (Weladol, Chlorhexiderm,etc) rinse and dry thoroughly apply an antibiotic cream like Panalog.


Answer by  Taylor (863)

I would recommend you leave it alone, as it may cause a negative reaction in the dog. If the problem persists for longer than two weeks, I suggest you contact a vet as it may not be a pimple.

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