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pet health


Question by  Craig (23)

What should I do for my dog who was bitten by a copperhead snake?


Answer by  Bethany (28)

Copperhead bites are fortunately rarely fatal unless it is a very small dog. You do want to avoid pressure on the wound, try not to excercise the dog as it can spread the poison more quickly, and get the dog to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet is likely experienced in the poisonous snakes of your area.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Cry. There is no hope for the pooch. His heartrate is so much quicker than our that the venom will affect vital organs rather quickly. Anti-venom would have to be administered within at least the first five to ten minutes. Try to calm the dog and be beside them and offer comfort.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Copperhead bites are not usually fatal, and do not necessarily require antivenin. Rather than attempting first aid, it is better to spend the time transporting your pet to the nearest vet or emergency animal clinic as soon as possible. Do not touch the area; it will be painful to your dog and may cause him or her to bite you.


Answer by  willard (874)

Get off the internet and get the dog to a vet asap! Copperhead bites are often not fatal , but require immediate medical attention. Copperhead venom causes tissue destruction locally, and bites are often subject to secondary infections. The smaller the dog, though, the greater the urgency, so don't just sit there, get moving!

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