

Question by  k9 (46)

What should I do about my dog's swollen toe?


Answer by  sanityrose (2664)

Many times a dog will have a stone, splinter, or some type of debris in his toe, causing swelling. You must look diligently for the object and try to remove it with tweezers. Apply antibiotic and if bleeding a bandage to the area. You can apply ice to the swollen paw, and aspirin can be used for pain and inflammation.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Check the paw make sure there is no cuts or splits in it anywhere and sheck for thorns or bites frm pests.


Answer by  wallaby78 (2293)

If it doesn't go down after a day or two, take him to the vet to get it looked at.


Answer by  wokingdragon (56)

There are too many possible causes to risk self-diagnosis. If it hasn't cleared soon I would take them to a vet, especially if they are in pain.

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