


Question by  EdwinAnderson (20)

What should I do about my dog swallowing a rib bone?


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Swallowing of any foreign object can be dangerous for dogs. The swallowing of real bone can be serious also. The bone could be large and jagged causing internal damage. If your dog is having symptoms of vomiting, cough or pain that could indicate something life threatening. Have your dog checked.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

I have a labrador that ate an entire rib bone and had no problem whatsoever, but I have heard terrible stories. Just in case, I'd go to the vet.


Answer by  withsmluck (793)

Use your best judgement. You know what size your dog is and what size the rib bone was. If it is a large dog and the bone was fairly small, you might wait it out and hope it goes through. It probably will. A smaller breed of dog should probably visit the vet.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

NEVER feed your dog meat bones. They can splinter and stab your dog's insides. If you think your dogs having an issue take him to the VET.

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