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 cars  toys


Question by  Ric (16)

What should a beginner know about electric radio controlled cars?


Answer by  Ben80 (288)

A beginner should know that they are easy to break and that a high quality one that would be less easy to wreck will usually be quite expensive. So if you are just starting out, you might want to consider a less expensive model to make sure that it is something you will enjoy.


Answer by  cmh420 (5)

Electric radio controlled cars come in all shapes and sizes from touring models like cars you would see on the road to racecars you'd see on a track and more.


Answer by  BillyBlue (202)

That there are many types of electric radio controlled cars, and not all of them are suitable for every driver or enthusiast.


Answer by  Jdog37 (592)

It is a very fun hobby and at the same time very expensive. You will never get back what you have put into it. I would try it out before shelling out a ton of money. I wish I would have bought gas instead of electric. You may want to do a little more research.

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