

Question by  Eric58 (8)

What needs to be included in mobile home insurance?


Answer by  Katie1102 (76)

The specific underwriting needs for mobile home insurance varies depending on the company. Most mobile home insurers have NADA blue book values that help determine the insurable value for your home. Be sure to include any upgrades or improvements that you have done. It's also important to update electrical systems in older homes to reduce your insurance liability.


Answer by  djb228 (510)

Like any home insurance, insure against theft of your possessions, liability for injuries, and damage to the home. In addition to fire, your insurance should include any natural forces likely to occur in your area, such as floods, tornadoes, or snow. Improving the home can reduce the cost of insurance.


Answer by  npike (21)

Mobile home insurance should include coverage for the mobile home either for the homes cash value or replacement cost. A mobile home policy should have coverage also for any outbuildings such as a shed or deck and contents owned inside the home for example furniture and clothing. Liability coverage for the mobile home owner should also be included.


Answer by  simpleanswers (6)

Mobile home insurance should include coverage for the mobile home, your personal belongings, (including furniture and clothing, liability,(in case someone is hurt on your property), and rental(in the event of a loss you/your family can stay in a hotel or rental until your mobile home is replaced or repaired.

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