


Question by  Xander (38)

What kind of food do you feed a beta fish?


Answer by  Aumlanka (291)

There are a number of foods on the market. The best is freeze dried brine. You can also feed it little fish food pellets.


Answer by  grammybarbj (572)

Betta fish prefer live food, but feeding them freeze dried food is used instead. There are special supplements with freeze-dried mosquito larvae - called "bloodworms", or brine shrimp.


Answer by  Zerin1 (0)

ettas are carnivores and need to eat a high protein diet. It's fine to feed your betta that because variety is great for bettas but his staple should be food made for betta's because even though bettas are tropical fish, they require much more protein than the average tropical fish and tropical fish are usually omivores while bettas are carnivores (more specifically insectivores). My bettas love Hikari Betta Bio-Gold and Betta Banquet Premium Betta Food by Seachem. As for treats they love bloodworms, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, baby crickets, daphnia, and finely chopped beefheart.

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