

Question by  mitch (18)

What kind of financial help is available to help me pay for childbirth?


Answer by  patti (29325)

You can deliver at any public hospital. You may have to be admitted through the ER, but you will be provided whatever assistance you need to deliver the baby. The baby will receive care, too.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Public hospitals (not private) accept uninsured and indigent patients, which is part of the healthcare (pre-Obama) coverage in the U.S. No one goes without care. There are also clinics in urban and rural areas that provide pre-natal care. It is often a good idea to consider the financial aspects of childbirth before setting off down that road.


Answer by  Mary (2095)

Financial help is available through Baby Your Baby, Medicaid and through the hospital where you deliver. All require that you meet low income standards and do not have too high a value in assets. The hospital and doctors will most likely also offer some kind of financing which will charge an interest rate.


Answer by  furball (13)

There are a few different options available. First it is important to obtain medical insurance. This can be done through an employer or the government. If you are under a certain income limit you may be eligible for Medicaid. Hospitals also have financial assistance programs available for patients.


Answer by  penelope1616 (58)

The government can help assist pregnant women by providing free medical insurance. This includes doctor visits prescriptions and hospital stay. Medicaid is a common insurance provided to low income women. You can check with your local department of children and families for more information. Good Luck!


Answer by  flamiss22 (5081)

The only finacial help you can get is private insurance or Medicaid for needy families if you qualify. There are no specific aid for a pregnant woman unless you count welfare.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you can apply for government assistance to help you pay for childbirth. This should take care of costs. Employment insurance is also an option. If you give birth to a child, you will also get many more taxes back every year which accounts as child support from the government depending on where you live.


Answer by  hecarlso (196)

Check with your state to see what insurance they may have to offer. You can ask your doctor they may have recomendations for you. Check and see if you have a planned parent hood in your area or your local health department they sometimes offer free servics or at least a reduced rate.


Answer by  jennifercrowe84 (202)

Well it depends in what state you live in. I live in Georgia and they give you medicaid. It pays for all of it.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Medicaid or state programs for medical care for the indigent is an option. 2. Contact the hospital and inform them of your situation. Ask to be put in touch with charities that assist with these medical costs. 3. Talk to your pediatrician. Ask for a reduced fee payment plan, due to inability to pay the full amount.

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