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Question by  destinyrose21 (1)

What is the statute of limitations on medical bills?

Payments have been made consistently.


Answer by  patti (29325)

There is no statute with regard to how long you have to pay any bill except for the terms stated in a contract. With medical bills, there often is no contract. Regular, consistent payments are what keep the account out of collections and court.


Answer by  askandyoushallreceive (658)

I do not believe that there is a statute of limitations on medical bills. Though it could be different from state to state. As long as the bills have been paid consistently there should not be an issue. Unless you no long wish to pay them, in that case finding out how long it will penalize you is helpful.


Answer by  mlucas (515)

Well every time you make a payment the statute of limitations begins again. It really depends on the state. Some are two years, and some are more!


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

In most states, the statute of limitations is seven years after the last activity on the account. That will be from last payment or last collection effort.

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