Are husbands responsible for their wive medical bills?
Can medical bills ruin your credit?
How can I get assistance with paying my medical bills?
How do I word a past due rent notice?
How long is the statue of limitations in Michigan for medical bills?
Is it legal for medical bills to accrue interest?
What do you write on a formal letter to a credit report to have medical bills that have been paid removed from the report?
healthcare legal
Question by Anjana (40)
I have past due medical bills.
Answer by John (9008)
Medical bills are no different from any other debt in terms of what the creditor can do to get paid. Thus, they could sue you and, if they get a judgement, seize your property or garnish your wages.
Answer by Melissa101010 (4405)
Yes you can be sued over your past due medical bills but more than likely it will just go on your credit thats all.
Answer by Roland27 (16334)
Yes. If you haven't made effort to pay them or if you are behind they can go back and sue you.
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