On a 1-10 scale my tongue hurt a 2 being the lowest and my bellybutton was a 3 but the only thing that hurt really was the clamp! Soon I'll be getting 4 dermals two on each hip, and both nostrils pierced!
From 1 - 10, the tongue hurts the worst so it's a ten. Belly button is a nine. Eyebrow is an eight. The nose is a five and I'd say ears are a two, since they hurt the least.
I would give earlobes and the tongue 1 on 1 to 5 scale. Lip piercings and nose piercings a 3 and non-earlobe ear piercings a 5. I don't have a pierced brow, so I can't offer any help for that.
It depends on where the piercing is, how tolerable to pain you are(and how much you have already psyched yourself up beforehand. )Usualy it's the weeks after when the pain occurs.