

Question by  Flowerpot (21)

What is the right dosage of ivermectin cc for dogs?


Answer by  SheltieFan (6)

The safe dosage of ivermectin can be VERY low in herding dogs (lower than for worming treatments). Ivermectin can be truly dangerous; especially to collies/mixed breeds. PLEASE consult a veterinarian.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I hesitate to give this, I assume you are a breeder or otherwise qualified, but here is the dose: Ivomec 1% solution - 1/10 cc per 10 lbs. of dog weight. I give you the benefit of the doubt that if your dog has heartworm you are not home-treating, but seeing your dog's good vet.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

You ask your vet for dosage of medication before giving it to your dog. Not to talk to your vet first could be dangerous.


Answer by  gbella (216)

The dose depends on the weight of the dog. It is important to have a vet monitor this because overdosing a dog can cause permanent brain damage.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Call the vet they will have to tell you because that goes by size and weight of the animal and if you give to much or to often you will end the dogs life but the vet will be able to tell you right away I have horses and we even have to know their weight to treat with Iver.

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