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Question by  snikcidylime (32)

What is the relationship between autism and a hearing delay?


Answer by  Beatrice26 (58)

As some would say,autism is a problem of connectivity in the brain and those affected by autism tend to be slower than the normal people as it has been discovered that their brains are a fraction of a second lower to react to sounds and their response is slower as well by 20% to even 50%.


Answer by  pambam (892)

There are several conditions that cause hearing delays and these are sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as autism. If you or a child receive a diagnosis of autism, it is recommended to get a second opinion.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

One aspect of autism is perceptual differences, such as synaesthesia (processing visual information aurally, etc. ). A hearing delay is a perceptual difference that an individual with autism could have.


Answer by  angiem1981 (1059)

Children with problems hearing will often demonstrate behaviors associated with autism, as autism may greatly affect speech and social activities. Hearing "delays" in autism may not at all be associated with the ears but with the Broca's area of the brain(speech center).

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