

Question by  hlb9600 (31)

What is the proper way to study so that you don't feel tired and bored?


Answer by  em (201)

It is reccommended that you sit in an uncomfortbale chair so you don't fall asleep while studying. It is also said that taking breaks every 45 minutes to an hour helps keep your mind fresh and helps you concentrate for longer periods of time. Do not try to cram everything into one three hour sitting, break it down.


Answer by  lalaland (238)

Putting on some music low in the background can help. It helps put you into a rhythm where you can get your work done faster. You can also try turning on the TV, but sometimes it can be more distracting than music. If this doesn't help, buckle down and try to take an interest in what you're studying.


Answer by  Javaholic (227)

Studying can become boring and make you sleepy. A good trick is to do interval studying. Set-up a schedule of 1/2 hour reading and studying. Then do something else and then come back for another 1/2 hour. The brain needs time to digest the material it has processed.


Answer by  Allison (187)

Choose a time of day when you are well rested and fed. If you are only studying one topic, make sure to take frequent breaks, to stretch or listen to some music. If you can, study more than one academic area so that you can change concentration without confusing information, studying English and math during the same hour, for example.

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