


Question by  tmoneymonsta (24)

What is the proper azalea plant care?


Answer by  lovelygarden (24)

Azalea plants should ideally be planted in partial shade. There has to be a good drainage system. The correct soil pH is 5.5. Mulch such as straw should be kept around the base of the plant. They should not be overfertilized and pruned immediately after they have bloomed, which is usually in June-July.


Answer by  psykick (17)

Azaleas must be planted in cool, shady areas with a acidic soil. Planting is best to be done in early spring or fall. Another thing to pay attention is to protect the plant from wind.


Answer by  caitchison (76)

Azaleas, first and foremost, are shade-loving plants that also require acidic, well-drained soil. It is important that they receive dappled sunlight wherever they are planted, and are not over watered. Azaleas also benefit from a mulch consisting of pine bark or wood chips; the mulch will repel weeds and lock moisture within the ground.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

These plants are tough go to your local green house and ask for a care tag for them and just follow the directions on it.


Answer by  ursaparga (84)

You plant them in late fall or early spring. The best thing to do is to plant then in partial shade, with soil(with PH of about 5.5) mixed with sawdust. You have to water it regularly, the soil has to be moist all the time. Also use some appropriate fertilizers.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Plant in well drained soil with good organic matter. To establish the root system, water regularly. Feed your azalea with an acid fertilizer after flowering.

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