


Question by  tcapone (26)

What is proper kalanchoe plant care?


Answer by  sharu (17)

The kalanchoe plant must be grown in a well-draining, organically rich medium. It prefers a mix of peat moss and perlit in the ratio of 50-50. I requires a bright indoor light. It has to be fed with a flowering house fertilizer from March to September.


Answer by  broadwaybaby (48)

Kalanchoes are in the succulent family so they should have good drainage. Do not overwater; once a week should suffice. They will rot if they get too wet. Put them in bright indirect light; too much light will give them a sunburned look.


Answer by  Michele13 (1188)

Kalanchoe plants are succulent,which means they store water in their leaves.They can be watered once a week--they don't like too much water or sun.

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