

Question by  rajesh23 (4)

What is the procedure that doctors do to perfom a feline clostridum difficle?

My cat will need a clostridium difficile.


Answer by  HH (404)

Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that can grow in the intestinal tract of mammals. Too much C. difficile can be toxic. The vet will take a fecal sample and it will be cultured to see if C. difficile is present. If positive, an appropriate antibiotic will be given.


Answer by  Dogless (159)

They need a stool sample. You can bring in some fresh poo if available, or they can board the cat ovenight and wait for the cat to provide one.


Answer by  jms0159 (34)

Clostridium difficile is not a procedure. It is a form of bacteria that animals can get, and it is located in their intestines.

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