Do they cut the urethea muscle during prostate surgery?
How do you answer a civil suit?
Is it normal to not have prostate pain if you have prostate cancer?
What happens in stage four prostate cancer?
What is a good bathing suit color for someone with pale skin?
What the difference between a PVP and a TURP?
What tips can you give me on buying a suit?
health procedures healthcare
Question by Fnakun (27)
I will be having a prostate turp procedure done and want to know the number of malpractice suits there are.
Answer by Melissa101010 (4405)
I think that there are not many malpractice suites over prostate trup procedures at all. It varies by state and what doctor you use.
Answer by tstdummyx4 (42)
While you may be able to find the number of malpractice suits over prostate turp procedures, that number should be compared to overall procedures.
Answer by Jan (166)
Medical literature reports about 2% of patients experience mild to serious complications after turp. Thus the malpratice rates for the procedure would most likely be low.
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