

Question by  Jane62 (15)

What is the plural of platypus?


Answer by  Anonymous

there is no official answer. Most scientists use platypuses though!


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

The plural of platypus is "platypuses" or just "platypus. " Sometimes people use "platypi," but that is just using a Latin-sounding made-up word.


Answer by  amiv (249)

Some people might write or say "platypae," thinking that it's origin is Latin. Actually, the origin is Greek and the correct plural is platypuses.


Answer by  ellie61 (478)

The plural of platypus (latin name Ornithorhynchus anatinus) could acceptably be referred to as platypi, but using correct latin grammar would be platypodes.


Answer by  Anonymous

platypus comes from a Greek stem, so the technical, etymologically correct plural would be platypodes.


Answer by  Anonymous

No one really knows- if I could guess, I would say platypuses or platypi.


Answer by  Anonymous

platypuses or platypus


Answer by  wrightboy (22)

The actual answer to what is the plural of platypus is platypuses although some will argue it is basically platypus.


Answer by  Anonymous

Ok. this is a stupid question to which there is no answer. most use platypuses(plat-uh-puss-ehz) but i myself use platypae(plat-uh-py) becauz it sounds better and i make up words all the time anywayz like funnerest or (and i dont take credit for this but,) super-cali-fragilistic-expeala-docious or my newest creation fantabulousticatious(fan-tab-yoo-loss-tick-a-shus)

Reply by toothpick (57):
you mention that "i myself use platypae"... as if that is a word that you use regularly... on how many occasions have you had the opportunity to refer to a group of platypuses?  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

T V says platypeople. The students of Geometry Pre-Ap also agree.


Answer by  Anonymous

omfg today is breadens birthday!!!!!!!! he is officialy almost cool!!!!

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