Can I create and print a postcard on Word 2003?
How do I go about selling postcard pictures?
How many cents is a postcard stamp?
I have a MBA in finance, can I get a job as a consultant in international business?
What are some common issues associated with international business?
What are the current postcard rates?
What are the unique challenges of international staffing? What are the difficulties of hiring staff in different countries?
mail what is
Question by tasa87jc (20)
Answer by sebrinapnp (103)
According to the United States Postal Service, the cost of sending a postcard to an international destination is currently $.98.
Answer by monkeyz (3150)
It will depend on where you are sending the postcard. If you send to Canada, it might be about 75 cents. If you send to Europe, Asia, or anywhere else outside North America, expect to pay about a dollar.
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