

Question by  smooth (37)

What is the formal capitol of Alaska?


Answer by  Alisha (224)

Juneau is the capital of Alaska. Juneau has a population of about 31,000 to 32,000 people and is located on the east side of Alaska under Canada, in the part where it is very thin and trails off into a series of very small islands. Alaska is the northernmost state.


Answer by  Betty0320 (734)

The official capitol of Alaska is Juneau. The largest city is Anchorage. Juneau has been the capital since 1906. Juneau is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware! The 2000 census placed the population at 30,711 - seven years later, the 2007 census placed it at 30,690.


Answer by  Lswarden (26)

Although not the largest city, Juneau is considered the capital of Alaska. The population is right around 30,000 people. Despite being the capitol of Alaska, there are no access roads into or out of Juneau connecting it to other cities or countries. In fact, the only way in or out is by jet/plane flight, or water transportation.

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